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Almond's shop

Because almonds contain vitamins, minerals, protein, and fiber, they may provide a variety of health benefits. A handful of almonds (about 1 ounce) contains one-eighth of a person's daily protein requirements. Almonds can be eaten raw or toasted as a snack or added to sweet or savory dishes. They are also available in sliced, flaked, and slivered forms, as well as flour, oil, butter, and almond milk. Almonds are commonly referred to as nuts, but they are actually seeds rather than true nuts. Almonds have a high concentration of vitamin E. Tocopherol is an antioxidant found in vitamin E. One ounce (28.4 g) of plain almonds contains 7.27 milligrams (mg) of vitamin E, which is roughly half of a person's daily requirement. Vitamin E and other antioxidants protect the body from oxidative damage. When too many free radicals accumulate, this damage can occur. Natural bodily processes and environmental stresses both produce free radicals. Many of them can be eliminated by the body, but dietary antioxidants can also help. High levels of free radicals can cause oxidative stress, causing cell damage. This can result in a variety of diseases and health issues.

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  • Best Almonds shop in Prashant vihar

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